Pastor Paula Lawhead has served with the people of Immanuel since October 2020.  A graduate of Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN, Pr. Paula has previously served as Pastor at St. Peter’s in Pilger and St. Luke’s in Stanton, NE; and as Pastor for Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries.  She is a native of Nebraska, growing up in Omaha, and lives in Bellevue, with her husband, David and their family.


In ministry, Pastor Paula is passionate about equipping others in putting words to their own faith.  She loves to teach and preach and talk theology.  One of Pr. Paula’s great joys is sharing the stories of her own life of faith and even more hearing from others how God has been working in their lives.  She is passionate about pulling truth out of messiness and her mission is to identify, illuminate and affirm truth; in who people are and in God’s work in this world.  If this can be accomplished with humor and joy, even better.








Rebecca Manahan - President

Carrie Buresh - Vice President

Dereck Tveitbakk - Secretary

Wilma Kuhlman - Member

Jacob Hall - Member

Phil Kyger - Member

Pr. Paula Lawhead - Member


You can contact our church council any time with questions or comments at

Congregation Council Purpose Statement:

We are a positive, discerning, visionary group that steers direction, inspires curiosity, and empowers disciples within our congregation to be an engaged, vital , and relevant part of the community.


Congregation Council 's Guiding Scripture:

Philippians 2:3–4 "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others. "


Worship Board

Worship Board Purpose Statement:

The Worship Board of Immanuel Lutheran Church strives to provide safe,
meaningful worship experiences in which worshipers can connect with God,
self, and others, and then feel compelled to share their faith and the love of

Jesus with others.

Fellowship Board

Fel lowship Board Purpose Statement:

The Fellowship Board is the conduit in which the Holy Spirit connects this

church to our community.

Faith Formation Board

Faith Formation Board Purpose Statement:

We are the Faith Formation Board, we offer opportunities for all ages to grow

and deepen their relationship with God and each other.

Stewardship Board

Stewardship Board Purpose Statement:

The purpose of the Stewardship Board is to initiate programs for the
development of great stewardship attitudes in the members of the

congregation in regard to time, talents, and treasures providing for the work

of Christ's Kingdom.

Finance Board

Finance Board Purpose Statement:

The Finance Board discerns the most beneficial way to maintain and utilize

the church's financial resources in order to serve our community.

Properties Board

Properties Board Purpose Statement:

The purpose of the Properties Board is to maintain and upgrade the physical
building and grounds of the church in a timely manner, providing the best
value for dollars spent and ensuring the safety and well-being of church

members and guests.

Columbarium Committee

Columbarium Committee Purpose Statement:

Through perpetual care, the Columbarium Committee provides a peaceful and dignified resting place for the saints who have gone before us.

Memorial Committee

Endowment/Memorial Committee Purpose Statement:
The purpose of the Endowment/Memorial Committee is to inspire and encourage perpetual giving, to support member student education through scholarships, and to guide the contribution of monetary gifts given to support God's mission and Immanuel Lutheran Church's ministries.

Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee Purpose Statement:

The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to observe, nurture, encourage, and identify leadership potential in the congregation and create the annual slate for elected positions.